ࡱ> t5@ .bjbj22 ("XX. 2222222Fjjjj$Ft($|R2{ { { 22! ! ! { 22! { ! "! C :,22 ';j + 05R| ^|FF22228|2|! ddFF$j FFjPEDG 5350 College of Education and Human Development ż Dispositions Teacher Education Program It is a very important decision to want to become a teacher. Successful teaching requires a stable personality, one who can be entrusted with children, an intellectually curious and accomplished individual--a person possessing knowledge of the subject to be taught, pedagogical skills and knowledge, and democratic values. The Teacher Education Program at ż shares in the responsibility of admitting to practice as educators only persons who are qualified. For pre-admission to the Teacher Education Program, students must comprehend and sign a Professionalism Agreement. During the pedagogy courses and field assignments in P-12 schools, students have agreed to abide by beliefs deemed essential for effective educators and to conduct themselves at all times in a professional manner. Following are the professional behaviors and beliefs contained in the Professionalism Agreement. For each statement, please check whether the student has either exhibited the desired behavior or has failed to act appropriately. If you were unable to evaluate a behavior based on your observations, please make no marks for that behavior. If you indicate an Area for Concern, please provide evidence that supports your concern. If you need more space, please continue on the back of the form. This feedback will help us in working with the student for improvement. Once the form has been completed, please provide feedback to the student, read the statement below and sign, and then return this completed form to the instructor of the course for which the student is assigned. Thank you for your time and consideration. I have considered each of the professional behaviors and beliefs on the following pages and have, to the best of my ability, fairly evaluated the student named below. Students name (Please print): _______________________________________________ Course: PEDG _________ Lamar Instructor: _________________________________ Your full name (Please print): _______________________________________________ Your signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ Professional Behaviors  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  Beliefs: Following are the beliefs that ż faculty agree are necessary for effective teaching. The student has agreed to conduct him/herself in a manner that is consistent with these beliefs in all interactions with supervisors, mentors, colleagues, and students.  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8    45FHpqrs& C   " + , N _ o ӰwbWOWDWDODOWDWhGhOJQJhg~OJQJhGhUOJQJ(hh5B*CJOJQJaJph33(hhU5B*CJOJQJaJph33"hU5B*CJ$OJQJaJ$ph33"h+]5B*CJ$OJQJaJ$ph33(hhU5B*CJOJQJaJphh$ 5B*OJQJphhU5B*OJQJphh,Th,T5OJQJh;5OJQJh`5OJQJ 5FGHqrsM N ~ !qrgdU$a$gdU$a$gd.o  % 5 V p # 3 }   # ; G H A_zJ}Ǽπuhg~56OJQJh>hC56OJQJh>OJQJhCOJQJh\/5OJQJhhh_35OJQJhg~5OJQJhGh+]OJQJh\/OJQJhOJQJhg~OJQJhGhUOJQJhGhOJQJhGhh_3OJQJ.}~sdQEh{CJOJQJaJ%jh\/h\/CJOJQJUaJjE h\/CJUVaJh\/CJOJQJaJjh\/CJOJQJUaJhUOJQJhU5B*OJQJph33h\/5B*OJQJph33hg~5B*OJQJph33h@5B*OJQJph33hf%`h{OJQJhg~OJQJhGOJQJhCOJQJh>hC56OJQJr.gdgdgdUAJx~*+,-.̽zkXIhJthCJOJQJaJ%jz h\/h\/CJOJQJUaJjE h\/CJUVaJh\/CJOJQJaJjh\/CJOJQJUaJhCJOJQJaJhneCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhOJQJhh5OJQJ hh5B*OJQJph33h@h@CJOJQJaJ&1h:p@/ =!"#$%z Dd T&f30  # A" _?UDo8\7] D(@= _?UDo8\7]7 _} x[}\W;;43ټl,$mnݤ-]h56lv;Ж5hkC `G!"~ªG@1 JhC{^R:nw޼;{}oJ?K)u.폟ݭJsR uzR*9ԭԮR硟NeKlRh%hp u+s- ܃s &U~gTmjV*ׯB[6..hsY1^عw{?U#FOͨ#갚Ue5:u}l=lιmՓd1'_Q_,/| 8`mVvj_*KvqWK5:THoӣ{l&uh cg?syhK(|GmQxNP'}i1,ۿ?53!#Ë/P^sUװ`}<ƾq{@?ɷ|{xR=H 6wM>6~@̻b}gf} [ئ3wml3f}3x U8s<+o5'38=w~t>cڐ+Q,vǁ9&^'.p}}_u6Ⱥn@ wG/_Y nw^_i3|>uPwۻ;oF|a~(,ǡ-ļy?~6;zafK{=1gT 3:F_jiiD1cq79 D3([!!dc9(@2U5Фw;oq#k[ƶ2 iGzlc()Lǡߌ3de=qt?JTGl2~-/7H^lOȳ5I6Yhg9BX9#%¶2<,Xq9Dp0,}RN،3Y}X9xj玌%C~.p>}ʊ` Uxa)T(U_%+j_N93Ϭy>` C/=謎q(Du%fHKe}ecZBQoOQ#fEΓad< mloe"8:IyssxB Fbv&)^7YQLёM̨ہ9xAY\xbFQ M=TQW8B(x9bV#mI 15Y+ϟ,f ^0L*d!+S$qeN+I03 .+xV <ˏm 뀿ǡO6s>5raO::Dz 2IOYsa z;uw^='9l[CоebpQekS{zE;B|Y봩LSniG.^sڧ(jG\]>~>fP:XVe~*?#yvR:/d moܜ9 eơhu!3żCMSqfl(U{ bWj S$yƌyuQC`:ѭr^SE|Ά!9l^y? |{P<+|0Npk#&N: xfԮw !LOk_rq9#Ռeqkai;v MЮYҭG{Ő5aY_:ݵ-ؗⰩwv7eSPWV([S"럢#cY36VPj]r%z.a}$Ӷva5rՁC;+?Ka!zb*W?YUwvR}~o?V0.lhYnd =Wθ 0פDNGA̞CW~15sqNPW3 %h2Fu0h)N?ne3=nOآ*8皿7AYgM9w2s 8P33Go# {{r \5h>J{>h+p{>Bޝ'Avgg@{_;xAY\Nu|vN0ͬ\6|3arӬr`/C^؝neqk!zkM)4=u+)'%\=I7e"j)=Ce"wT7r35@`b\_E;u3}u^xk&CkSy$#x3eeiN;IZz;|w ۋ|q6syf^h6|Ɔ0l/'463n_&p͜bRc3Va b f5q%/\Kϵ%wbۭ lc؎1Ǭq+mO8 ۝ JlK.1WؾĆ0l(Cl_oǭĶ= aP>[- bK'ñ eؖlKIJlsAl8Æ2Ķ[mKgۖpl(Cl[;q+].F`[ 6aCbǭv+ aPؾ[mWwð [v%nJlX{^HcCYEX[#oߧr̓n~^^7mߤk@r5U Dd T&(0  # A" Q>dѬ6`+zHA>k  (@=c Q>dѬ6`+zHA>6Z_8c1 x[]l\Gqw8w7)UƉ4NJZFJE޵ۻ:4`HHT"*JQ>T} $@>BT9޳s@V;sܙs93&SR*#]J{U$zV1f*`5 %+2Qw@= %>G;q =!u"<&xN׷D>>qԴP7ƍ=Sq=z,Ұӻʰ71:݊1z-!E5*Y5%ϩί]ѸwⴥɿC>ү6܏0N1Սϵ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSVsXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrvwxyz{|}~Root Entry FV'; Data WordDocument("ObjectPool';V';_1169824940  F';';Ole EPRINT7CompObjf  "#$%'()*+,-/01235 FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q #O From: "lfarrow" Subject: Professional Behaviors Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:36:28 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-l CZ EMF7` B  F, EMF+@,,F\PEMF+"@ @ $@ !@ 0@?@     !" !" !  " !   " !   Rp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw)&?0 &?`0Arial1' &}wuw \ &?I0dv%   T|7UUAAL\Meets or Rp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw!d+?0*?b0Arial1' &}wuw \*?I0dv% Tx h5UUAA L\Area of  Tp7IrUUAA7ILXExcels TxInrUUAAIL\Concern% T|AtUUAAAL\Behavior T|AtUUAAAL\Comments$$Rp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw)%?0(%?l`0Arial1' &}wuwb e\(%?I0dv% TH~UUAA~*LExhibits a love of learning, understanding         TDUUAA)Lthat what s/he learns is often personally       T|+UUAALand professionally useful.     T0I|UUAAI&LAccepts differences among students and   #  THUUAA*Ltries to find ways to help each one learn.           T<UUAA(LPatiently strives to maintain productive      #    T (@[UUAA(#Lclassroom behavior, consistent witht #      TeUUUAAeL|democractic principles.C#     T$CUUAA$LMaintains the dignity and respect of         T&UUAA"Lall students and school personnel.     T l1UUAAl#LProvides students opportunities forR      TDUUAA)Llearning and employing critical thinking.    #        T<"~UUUAA"(LAssists other professionals in improving       # T,_`UUAA_%Land planning coordinated instruction.R       T UUAALProtects students' privacy and    THUUAALlconfidentiality.   T8UUAA'LMaintains self-control and remains calmn      #   #TUUAA Lhunder stress. T,DhwUUAAD%LReserves the time necessary for doing   #    TUUAALphis/her best work.   T$?-UUAA$LIs present and prompt to class/field    #     T<7cjUUAA7(Lvisitations; notifies proper individuals           TtUUAAtLif unable to attend or if late.        TIUUAA!LContributes to group assignments.     #T8UUAA'LIs flexible to and accepts changes when          T_ UUAA L`necessary.TZ [ UUAAZ "LAdvocates democracy through formal #  # T$ E UUAA $Linstruction and classroom practices.     #  T C UUAA LAbides by all campus rules and    #   TM y UUAAM Ldregulations.  % " !%    '%   &% 6 % Ld  !??% 6 % Ld  !??% 6 % Ld  !??% 6 % Ld  !??% 6 % Ld  !??% 6% Ld!??% z6z% Ldz}z!??% 161% Ld141!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% T6T% LdTWT!??%  6 % Ld   !??% 6% Ld!??% v6v% Ldvyv!??% ,6,% Ld,/,!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% B 6B % LdB E B !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??% ( % " !%    % ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ ObjInfo Workbook</MailEnvelope USummaryInformation( FɀBa=,= !8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1( Trebuchet MS1( Trebuchet MS1 Arial1$Arial1Arial1( Trebuchet MS"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *      " "8@ @ "8@  (@ @  (@  (@  "8@  "8@ @  Sheet1-Sheet2.Sheet3TICExcels!Contributes to group assignments.BehaviorComments&Accepts differences among students and(Patiently strives to maintain productive$Maintains the dignity and respect of#Provides students opportunities forProtects students' privacy and%Reserves the time necessary for doing$Is present and prompt to class/field'Is flexible to and accepts changes when"Advocates democracy through formalAbides by all campus rules and*tries to find ways to help each one learn.#classroom behavior, consistent withdemocractic principles."all students and school personnel.)learning and employing critical thinking.confidentiality.his/her best work.(visitations; notifies proper individualsif unable to attend or if late. necessary.$instruction and classroom practices. regulations.Area ofConcern)Teachers should use students' perceptions"and past experiences in developing(rapport and for supporting new learning.*All children have ability to learn at some#level and deserve help and accommo-dation for learning."Diversity in the classroom expands$opportunities for enriched learning.)Teachers are responsible for establishing$a classroom environment conducive tolearning and good order.%Teachers should help each student and%enlist students to help others learn.%Teachers should encourage students to!express themselves by various andcreative means.(Evaluation helps teachers understand how'a student learns best, how well s/he is%achieving, and how instruction can be improved.#Reflection and analysis of teaching improvement.#The most effective teachers rely on&assistance from many others, including%parents, school personnel and membersof the community.Meets or(Assists other professionals in improving%and planning coordinated instruction.)that what s/he learns is often personallyand professionally useful.'Maintains self-control and remains calm under stress.*Exhibits a love of learning, understanding#Teaching is best when it encourages"acquisition of knowledge useful to#analyzing information, creating newideas, and reaching decisions.'effectiveness can lead to instructionalJ #   " 1 'J Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%,&?'?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} } #} $ R,,,,,@,@,@ , , @ , @@,@@,@@,@@,@@,@@,,Meets orArea of ExcelsConcernBehaviorComments 3*Exhibits a love of learning, understanding 2)that what s/he learns is often personally #and professionally useful. /&Accepts differences among students and 3*tries to find ways to help each one learn. 1(Patiently strives to maintain productive , #classroom behavior, consistent with   democractic principles.  - $Maintains the dignity and respect of  + "all students and school personnel.   ,#Provides students opportunities for 2)learning and employing critical thinking. 1(Assists other professionals in improving .%and planning coordinated instruction. 'Protects students' privacy and confidentiality. 0'Maintains self-control and remains calm  under stress. .%Reserves the time necessary for doing his/her best work. -$Is present and prompt to class/field 1(visitations; notifies proper individuals (if unable to attend or if late.D l7QON?KOMH<IGHNMJC5L2J7IM @!,@",@#,@$@%,&@'@(,)@*@+,,@/,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7@8,9@:,;,<,=@>,?@ ! "*"!Contributes to group assignments."# $0$'Is flexible to and accepts changes when$ %% necessary.%& '+'"Advocates democracy through formal' (-($instruction and classroom practices.() *'*Abides by all campus rules and* ++ regulations.+,/Meets or/Area of /0Excels0Concern0Behavior0Comments 121)Teachers should use students' perceptions1 2+2"and past experiences in developing2 313(rapport and for supporting new learning.3 434*All children have ability to learn at some4 5,5#level and deserve help and accommo-5 66dation for learning.6 7+7"Diversity in the classroom expands7 8-8$opportunities for enriched learning.89 :2:)Teachers are responsible for establishing: ;-;$a classroom environment conducive to; <!<learning and good order.< =.=%Teachers should help each student and= >.>%enlist students to help others learn.>?@DFL/GIC17QNGMOH9GINI=JJ@,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q, @.@%Teachers should encourage students to@ A*A!express themselves by various andA BBcreative means.B C1C(Evaluation helps teachers understand howC D0D'a student learns best, how well s/he isD E.E%achieving, and how instruction can beE FF improved.F G,G#Teaching is best when it encouragesG H+H"acquisition of knowledge useful toH I,I#analyzing information, creating newI J'Jideas, and reaching decisions.J K,K#Reflection and analysis of teachingK L0L'effectiveness can lead to instructionalL MM improvement.M N,N#The most effective teachers rely onN O/O&assistance from many others, includingO P.P%parents, school personnel and membersP QQof the community.Q(/TJF4MLJ.HGHCHL1HKJ>@,, 7 Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%"??soU>@ 7 Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%"??soU>@ 7 MSMail-Priority: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 Oh+'0HPh  Vicky Farrowx Vicky FarrowxMicrosoft Excel@;‘ @sr @u8-՜.+,0 PXd lt| DocumentSummaryInformation8_1169824989 F';';Ole EPRINTW63A Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q #O From: "lfarrow" lXCF EMF6` B  F, EMF+@,,F\PEMF+"@ @ $@ !@ 0@?@     !" !" !  " !  X" !  XRp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw)&?0h&?`0Arial1' &}wuw \h&?I0dv%   T|7UUAAL\Meets or Rp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw!+?0X+?b0Arial1' &}wuw \X+?I0dv% Tx h5UUAA L\Area of  Tp7IrUUAA7ILXExcels TxInrUUAAIL\Concern% T|AtUUAAAL\Behavior T|AtUUAAAL\Comments$$Rp Trebuchet MSx?*0&xYw)%?0%?l`0Arial1' &}wuw 6\%?I0dv% TD~UUAA~)LTeachers should use students' perceptions      T0UUAA"Land past experiences in developing       T<+UUAA(Lrapport and for supporting new learning.       TH5hUUAA5*LAll children have ability to learn at some         #T rcUUAAr#Llevel and deserve help and accommo-       ##T UUAALtdation for learning.    T&3UUAA"LDiversity in the classroom expands      # T$=>pUUAA=$Lopportunities for enriched learning.       TDUUAA)LTeachers are responsible for establishingP        T$rUUAA$La classroom environment conducive to  #  #   TjOUUAAL|learning and good order.     T,myUUAAm%LTeachers should help each student andp       T,AUUAA%Lenlist students to help others learn.E       T,zBUUAA%LTeachers should encourage students toA     TL"UUAAL!Lexpress themselves by various andf #     TUUAALlcreative means.l  #T<UUAA(LEvaluation helps teachers understand how       T8v6UUAA'La student learns best, how well s/he isd       T,@hsUUAA@%Lachieving, and how instruction can be        T}XUUAA} L`improved. #T EUUAA#LTeaching is best when it encourages      T#*UUAA"Lacquisition of knowledge useful to        T 4EgUUAA4#Lanalyzing information, creating new   #    TqUUAAqLideas, and reaching decisions.       T .UUAA#LReflection and analysis of teaching         T8qUUAA'Leffectiveness can lead to instructional       T([UUAA( Ldimprovement. ##T e@UUAAe#LThe most effective teachers rely on #      T0{UUAA&Lassistance from many others, including  # #    T,UUAA%Lparents, school personnel and members    ##TOUUAALpof the community.  ## % " !%   Y'%   &% 6Y% LdXY!??% 6Y% LdXU!??% 6Y% LdXU!??% 6Y% LdXU!??% 6Y% LdXU!??% 6% Ld!??% z6z% Ldz}z!??% 161% Ld141!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% U6U% LdUXU!??%  6 % Ld  !??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% a6a% Ldada!??% U6U% LdUXU!??% ( % " !%   X% ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ CompObjfObjInfoWorkbooku/MailEnvelopeU FɀBa=/Q= !8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1( Trebuchet MS1( Trebuchet MS1 Arial1$Arial1Arial1( Trebuchet MS"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *      " "8@ @ "8@  (@ @  (@  (@  "8@  "8@ @  Sheet1-Sheet2.Sheet3TICExcels!Contributes to group assignments.BehaviorComments&Accepts differences among students and(Patiently strives to maintain productive$Maintains the dignity and respect of#Provides students opportunities forProtects students' privacy and%Reserves the time necessary for doing$Is present and prompt to class/field'Is flexible to and accepts changes when"Advocates democracy through formalAbides by all campus rules and*tries to find ways to help each one learn.#classroom behavior, consistent withdemocractic principles."all students and school personnel.)learning and employing critical thinking.confidentiality.his/her best work.(visitations; notifies proper individualsif unable to attend or if late. necessary.$instruction and classroom practices. regulations.Area ofConcern)Teachers should use students' perceptions"and past experiences in developing(rapport and for supporting new learning.*All children have ability to learn at some#level and deserve help and accommo-dation for learning."Diversity in the classroom expands$opportunities for enriched learning.)Teachers are responsible for establishing$a classroom environment conducive tolearning and good order.%Teachers should help each student and%enlist students to help others learn.%Teachers should encourage students to!express themselves by various andcreative means.(Evaluation helps teachers understand how'a student learns best, how well s/he is%achieving, and how instruction can be improved.#Reflection and analysis of teaching improvement.#The most effective teachers rely on&assistance from many others, including%parents, school personnel and membersof the community.Meets or(Assists other professionals in improving%and planning coordinated instruction.)that what s/he learns is often personallyand professionally useful.'Maintains self-control and remains calm under stress.*Exhibits a love of learning, understanding#Teaching is best when it encourages"acquisition of knowledge useful to#analyzing information, creating newideas, and reaching decisions.'effectiveness can lead to instructionalJ #   " 1 'J Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%,&?'?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} } #} $ R,,,,,@,@,@ , , @ , @@,@@,@@,@@,@@,@@,,Meets orArea of ExcelsConcernBehaviorComments 3*Exhibits a love of learning, understanding 2)that what s/he learns is often personally #and professionally useful. /&Accepts differences among students and 3*tries to find ways to help each one learn. 1(Patiently strives to maintain productive , #classroom behavior, consistent with   democractic principles.  - $Maintains the dignity and respect of  + "all students and school personnel.   ,#Provides students opportunities for 2)learning and employing critical thinking. 1(Assists other professionals in improving .%and planning coordinated instruction. 'Protects students' privacy and confidentiality. 0'Maintains self-control and remains calm  under stress. .%Reserves the time necessary for doing his/her best work. -$Is present and prompt to class/field 1(visitations; notifies proper individuals (if unable to attend or if late.D l7QON?KOMH<IGHNMJC5L2J7IM @!,@",@#,@$@%,&@'@(,)@*@+,,@/,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7@8,9@:,;,<,=@>,?@ ! "*"!Contributes to group assignments."# $0$'Is flexible to and accepts changes when$ %% necessary.%& '+'"Advocates democracy through formal' (-($instruction and classroom practices.() *'*Abides by all campus rules and* ++ regulations.+,/Meets or/Area of /0Excels0Concern0Behavior0Comments 121)Teachers should use students' perceptions1 2+2"and past experiences in developing2 313(rapport and for supporting new learning.3 434*All children have ability to learn at some4 5,5#level and deserve help and accommo-5 66dation for learning.6 7+7"Diversity in the classroom expands7 8-8$opportunities for enriched learning.89 :2:)Teachers are responsible for establishing: ;-;$a classroom environment conducive to; <!<learning and good order.< =.=%Teachers should help each student and= >.>%enlist students to help others learn.>?@DFL/GIC17QNGMOH9GINI=JJ@,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q, @.@%Teachers should encourage students to@ A*A!express themselves by various andA BBcreative means.B C1C(Evaluation helps teachers understand howC D0D'a student learns best, how well s/he isD E.E%achieving, and how instruction can beE FF improved.F G,G#Teaching is best when it encouragesG H+H"acquisition of knowledge useful toH I,I#analyzing information, creating newI J'Jideas, and reaching decisions.J K,K#Reflection and analysis of teachingK L0L'effectiveness can lead to instructionalL MM improvement.M N,N#The most effective teachers rely onN O/O&assistance from many others, includingO P.P%parents, school personnel and membersP QQof the community.Q(/TJF4MLJ.HGHCHL1HKJ>-@Q/Q 7 Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%"??soU>@ 7 Fɀ  dMbP?_*+%"??soU>@ 7 Subject: Professional Behaviors Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:37:16 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 Oh+'0HPh  Vicky Farrowx Vicky FarrowxMicrosofSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8!1TableSummaryInformation(&t Excel@;‘ @sr @U-՜.+,0 PXd lt| 3A Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  WorksheetsOh+'0  8P9u(( pK_vt*u>O5^^QC&(M#P\~'v@bg3 WU7`)nc]vCWG<}hxc>$>`}xlMZ??}򺣼Yc5->EZh;PֲNc^y,:BY4մހy J0h+s3Zwx̅H|& ͸M rj,6(b p M =0,` ڄ6 \q}nM@y7 ңloȳC}:w_hF;~4@'_6] X4Z6Pzͩ2=MwP/7cܫ3h35W! +9W9k2q?Dz嘖t9=cKmpcqq0W9$ԋ w(Ny@ FB!FmyBq|[zÄU +dL<\/eTIZwO1." m8gA2DE4CwP!Q#DoRHެRL ӢOG҆~8^ ,b\cY(?i#!v9  hEҤ pYpAڶݯ Dk٠xT+>}3.Kcܛpx0#|S$Ouoja/ eM.^u0m [ 99絞]uv /ugE_ ["ayhu'ؕ('}r>:(1;/ByЂ6`$!iU^9Lx\Lz8ja'3 +-!m(@S! 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